Kindness & Courage Workshop: Helping Kids with Higher Needs
Kindness & Courage: Resources & knowledge to help kids with higher needs
MM’s own OT Tamsin Snodgrass will be presenting at this workshop hosted by local professionals and parents. Please see the information below for details and ticket information:
*Note: This is a different workshop than the free 2 day (weekday) workshop being offered through MCFD in early October which will highlight out of area speakers for parents of children with autism.)
Attendance fee: $55 ($58.91 through Eventbrite for processing fees) and pls register by Oct 18/17 – 40 seats must be filled to hold this event – cash or EventBrite registration only (no cheques, sorry)- pls message me directly if wanting to pay by cash DEADLINE IS OCT 30/17
This workshop IS different and meant to feature LOCAL professionals who are amazing community resources sharing incredible insight and perspectives and a chance to peer connect and learn as parents OR educators and is meant for anyone who may be in the life of a child with higher needs and it is on a Saturday which we hope will offer a for chance for better attendance.
As a parent, I watch my daughter face the world each day with courage as she grows up as a child with Aspergers Syndrome. She is not a “neuro-typical” child. She has higher needs and I needed higher understanding. I have been blessed to see her slowly and increasingly grow into who she is meant to be. With that, I have learned from various professionals about her view of the world and how I can help see it with her. This workshop is parents and educators of our “spirited” rockstars, our “wild”‘ones, our “silent thinkers”, our “quiet geniuses”, our “booksmart” young people. I wanted to bring this knowledge to a bigger audience so we can help our young people be supported and understood and ROCK their personal growth!
Whether they are 6 or 16, our local esteemed speakers will provide insight into different perspectives and local resources available to help understand how we need to help and support children with higher needs especially around emotions and self-regulation and self-advocacy and all from people right here at home!
You may learn one thing or many things! This is a full day of learning, sharing, peer-connecting as we learn how to support our superheroes!
Light snack and lunch included (costs simply to cover event-related fees, attendance fee may decrease by event date and possibility of cost reimbursement for difference at or after the event.
Certificates provided for educators/EA’s (and possibility of other local information resources via display table, info TBA)
Local Speakers featured:
Carey Lehman M.Ed., candidate Behaviour Consultant and Rebecca Oliver M.Ed.Behaviour Consultant: Okanagan Centre for Autism Intervention speaking to the approach of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) – techniques and strategies for ABA focus on the principles that explain how learning takes place. Positive reinforcement is one such principle.
Sean Larsen, BA(hons), MA, PhD Candidate Child and Youth Mental Health Clinician – sharing insights on emotional brain development, arousal, “freak outs” and how to better support children/youth when they are overwhelmed based on what we understand about the brain.
Tamsin Snodgrass, Paediatric Occupational Therapist and co-owner of Movin’ Mountains Therapy Centre in Trail – sharing insight about what occupational therapy is, the benefits to emotions and self-regulation in children/youth
Ticket deadline is October 30/17 and registration deadline is October 18/17.
Our speakers are stoked and ready to share so we can parent or support with some strategies, tools and better understanding!
Tickets sold via Eventbrite (link below).
For more info you can also text me at 250-231-7971 with “Workshop” in the subject line or email[email protected]
Who am I?
I am you… a lucky parent in supporting my child as she grows up in this world.. period but I wanted to help others know more because I didn’t know what the heck I was doing
I am also a writer, speaker and background in broadcasting, event planning, media relations, revenue development and currently a Customer Service Lead for a utility company
Helen Bobbitt
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