Movin’ Mountains Therapy Centre aims to provide the highest quality and standard of care, with a personalized service. The MM experience is unique because we aim to create an environment that is supportive, fun and tailored to the needs of our clients – both young and young at heart.
Our paediatric therapy is based 0n our belief that children are more than small adults. Their developing bodies and brains require unique skills to address their learning and physical needs. The greatest compliment that we receive is when children think they are coming to play rather than coming to therapy. During therapy, learning occurs while having fun. Families can expect to be coached to ensure the success of the strategies learned in sessions.
Our adult clients experience a caring and supportive environment that respects their privacy. Our professionals are trained to address conditions that cause chronic pain and trauma and are sensitive to the needs of the individual. We offer therapy that addresses general orthopedic concerns, pre- and post-natal conditions, neurological disorders and assistance with athletes to focus on strengthening their abilities.
All of our clients and their families can provide information, ask questions and receive feedback in a sensitive and confidential manner.
The Play-Based Approach
Our therapists use a play-based approach to address your child’s skills. We partner with them in play schemes and collaborate to build a relationship of trust. Your child will be self-motivated to participate and persevere through the challenges of each session. We use spontaneous play to incorporate the main areas of focus for their unique development needs. Using the play-based approach, we gradually increase the demands upon the child while ensuring they enjoy their time at the Centre. When children are free to play and be themselves they learn to employ new therapeutic strategies at the same time. This is when we see the magic happen as growth and improvement take place. We call this an ‘adaptive response’. A sense of enjoyment in the activities leads to the development of positive and lasting memories that encourage continued success. The best part is that you get to be there and see these small successes turn into big victories!
The ‘Just Right’ Challenge
We want all of our clients to experience success with their programs. Whether you are an adult or child receiving services, we assess each activity in the treatment plan and modify any identified challenges. Each session is adapted to that unique client’s skill level, so that it is not too hard and not too easy. The goal is to leave our clients with a feeling of success but also an increased integration of new strategies to promote their growth and healing. We want to empower both our adult and child clients to be partners in achieving better health. This means progressively increasing the difficulty of a task so that each client can learn what they are capable of and use it in the real world.
The Therapeutic Use of Self
We believe everything a child does provides information on what they need to be more successful in their lives. How we respond, react, and interact with your child affects their performance. Through the practice of ‘therapeutic use of self’, we adapt our voice, rhythm, movement, and actions to your child to ensure a positive response. This means that we adapt to their actions to support them while teaching them how to express their needs in a socially acceptable way.
With our adult clients, many are experiencing complex conditions that can be painful, difficult to discuss, are post-surgical or may be resulting from a trauma. Our individual experiences shape who we are and our bodies can be affected in many ways. We recognize that each client requires the support to modify their therapy to achieve better health. Our professionals tailor programs based on the individual client and works with you to ensure a positive response.
We are Family- Oriented
We recognize the irreplaceable role that family plays in a child’s growth and we encourage family involvement in both therapy and home programs. Our therapists serve as coach, educator, and role model as we partner with you to help you learn strategies you can utilize at home, school, and in the community . We provide you and your child with the tools to effect positive change while living, working and managing day to day tasks. It is often just small changes that can take a typical task and make it therapeutic. We adapt activities to your child’s abilities and your family life to empower your family to do the things you love to do.
We Believe in Collaboration
We value our relationships with caregivers, teachers, physicians, and everyone else on our client’s team. We believe that collaboration is essential to achieve the goals of a therapy plan. For our child clients, the strategies that they and you will learn at Movin’ Mountains can be extended to the environments that your child lives in every day. For our adult clients, we understand that information sharing with other professionals and care providers is important for your recovery. We value the input and collaboration of other service providers to ensure your time with us is successful.
Autism Acceptance Month
Autism Acceptance Month has just recently come to a close. I had thought about making a carefully curated blog post about teaching our Movin’ Mountains community about appropriate language and […]
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